We are a + 2000 people in a global solidarity initiative to save our planet with immediate actions, bringing together scientists, environmentalists, politicians, financiers, professionals from all areas and people from all over the planet, to work, all together and together, to stop global warming, and at the same time to end the merciless scourge of hunger and extreme poverty throughout the Earth.
The weather anomaly is in an acceleration phase, we must act immediately: build an AI holographic dynamic weather map, interconnecting via an intranet all available quantum computers, fed all known variables and deducing all unknowns, to get the most realistic tipping points and predict upcoming events, in a effort combined with the best scientists from all continents.
We need to act before December 2023, activating a planetary climate emergency plan to be implemented worldwide, with the cooperation of all governments. Join our team task forces! To save the planet and guarantee everyone's life on it, we all need to work in a cooperative, coordinated, synchronized and supportive way. Prioritizing everyone's lives and not money, ego, fame or power.
All of us on our beautiful planet Earth find ourselves in a situation of complete Climate Insecurity. We must abandon prejudice, hatred and resentment, unite and work together to stop the present acceleration of the climate anomaly. We are all in the same boat. We are all necessary.
We can all help to save each other. Let us know how to be supportive and overcome all our differences.
Please contact us at mayday.gaiateam@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The information on the behavior of the climatic anomaly in progress, provided by scientific sources up to the present, has been imprecise, erratic and contradictory. Failing in many of his predictions. This has impeded preventive action by governments.
The reason for this is that most of the investigations have been partial, originating in isolated departments and laboratories, as a result the data have always been incomplete and the projections incorrect.
The scientific method, which is not perfect, failed to be applied without previous holistic metalology to analyze a highly complex multi-reactive system such as global climate.
Under the initiative of M ayday.Live we have pre-activated the Planetary Climate Emergency Master Plan from the private sector. To be effective we require the support of the UN, WMO, NASA and the US government. The other forces of the Earth can be added later. We should not waste time searching for a consensus and a unity that does not exist.
As a first step we must verify the data of the starting hypotheses that we have elaborated, which appear in the online documents. For this, a special multidisciplinary scientific effort is necessary, which this time takes into account all the variables. The known ones today and mathematically deduce the unknown ones.
Second step: networking all available quantum computers to run software with a mathematical model of the weather, capable of building a dynamic holographic map. All variables must be loaded. The system will allow projections and predictions to be made. For example of the next great droughts. And in this way, preventive measures are developed worldwide. There is already an agreement between IBM and NASA for a dynamic map, but maximum computing capacity is needed, which is why the proposal is to network all available quantum computers. Given the urgency of the present climate emergency, the order has the status of a matter of state and should be ordered by the White House.
Third: define the maximum threshold or residual time window until the rise in the global average temperature triggers positive feedback in the domino effect. At Mayday we estimate that this will occur from January 2024, with a focus on Antarctica, especially affecting the Thwaites Glacier.
Fourth: confirmed the climatic inflection point of acceleration in January 2024, the SCOPEX Project must be activated before the end of December 2023, gradually to measure the possible negative impacts on the environment. Taking this into account, it is advisable to activate it no later than October 2023. One or more governments may act as guarantors of the loan to finance this project or pay for it through taxes.
Fifth: Even if the temperature is reduced by 1.5º C, there is also the inertial factor of CO2 already accumulated in the atmosphere, so the flooding effect will be postponed, but it will not be completely avoided. Taking this into account, from SpaceArch.Solutions, the Architecture and Engineering divisions will work intensively with designers from South Korea and Japan for the development and fine-tuning of prototypes of floating cities and ports. In this way, it will be possible to relocate environmental refugees from the affected coastal cities.
Sixth: Because there is a potential risk of activating an AI singularity by networking quantum computers and running advanced AI software, it is recommended to install payloads on premises as a security measure, in the event of a possible situation becoming out of control. It should be reported that with this processing capacity, an AI singularity is capable of equaling the human brain in the first nanosecond, quintupling its capacity in the second, and the progression will continue until the loading capacity of its systems is exhausted. But there is no choice but to do it, because we urgently need the dynamic AI map of global weather.
Seventh: the necessary measures will be analyzed to protect the capital in case of sudden and rapid elevation of the waters due to acceleration of the thaws. Since coastal properties will by effect plummet, dragging down all the world's stock markets, blowing up currencies and making gold, silver, diamonds and cryptocurrencies lose value.
Thanks for your contact!
We are connecting with other scientists and experts in different disciplines in the world.
NASA and WMO scientists are cooperating. We must all work and act fast, there is little time left.
According to our estimates, there is time until December 2023 to gradually activate the SCOPEX Project and reduce the global average temperature. And more exactly until October 2023 to be able to test possible negative environmental impacts.
If this is not done by January 2024, it is possible that the first positive feedbacks will be activated in Antarctica, data that needs to be specified.
We need to confirm the data before we can act.
First, we need to get the team together, then we can work remotely and each one contribute their experience.
The essential thing is that NASA activates, through quantum computers interconnected on the intranet, the AI holographic dynamic map of the weather. In this way we can make more precise predictions about the behavior of the anomaly.
But this software's accuracy will depend on the amount of variables loaded into it. This is the multidisciplinary and multilevel task that we must carry out as a team, detect the variables, the known ones, and deduce the still unknown ones.
If everyone cooperates, it will be possible to obtain resources and funds for this work, which is urgent.
This is an emergency study. If you have known scientists, professional experts, advanced students, invite them to participate. We need all the help we can get.
We are also activating SpaceArch's Architecture and Engineering divisions to develop priority scale projects to address this global climate emergency.
This is a global cooperative effort, among all people interested in defending life, to stop global warming.
We need all the brains on our planet to find the right and effective solutions to end hunger, extreme poverty, biodiversity loss and global warming.
We hope you will share with us our concern, work and concern to save our planet and our civilization from certain catastrophes that will occur in the future if we continue with our current inaction and global climate indifference.
We do not have enough resources, we appreciate all those who wish to join as volunteers to help with tasks of AI, web design, social networks, journalism and digital marketing.
As soon as our global e-commerce systems are up and running, all of these tasks will be paid for.
Those interested in participating can send us an e-mail or contact us at:
1.- Activate the automatic Gaia Team website at https://lnkd.in/dxgV7U3Q
2.-Invite scientists from all continents to join the initiative.
3.- Call on professors and advanced university students to join the initiative.
4.- Call the international press to spread the initiative.
5.- Call on governments to join the initiative.
6.- Activate the dynamic holographic climate AI map, with the support of quantum computers interconnected through an intranet and under the supervision of NASA, with international collaboration of scientists who wish to join the project.
7.- Once the data on the acceleration of the climate anomaly has been confirmed and the next probable inflection point is specified in January 2024, proceed to the activation and execution of the SCOPEX project with the mission and objective of reducing the global average temperature by 1.5% and cancel thus the beginning of positive feedbacks between all coupled ecosystems.
8.- Complement 7 with the activation of the 2027 Agenda. It consists of a package of measures inspired by the UN's 2030 Agenda, with the focus of cutting hydrocarbon consumption in the next 4 years: 25% in the first year, 50% in the second year, 75% in the third year and 100% in the fourth year.
9.- Activate the 9 high-scale sustainable comprehensive solutions to decontaminate our planet in the short and medium term.
10.- Activate the Architecture, Engineering and Design divisions of SpaceArch to carry out sustainable projects to be financed through an alliance between banks led by greeninterbanks.com
It will be necessary to activate the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experimental Project (SCoPEx).
We must buy "climate time" and avoid, by all means at our disposal, breaking the threshold of 1.5º C that could occur from July 2023 and the appearance of great intercontinental droughts
We are running out of time, the situation requires the application of immediate corrective measures on pain of having to face the worst consequences of accelerating climate change.
It must be borne in mind that if a structural intercontinental drought occurs for one year, all the great harvests will be lost and, as a consequence, between 2,000 and 4,000 million human beings will die of hunger, 9 months after this terminal crisis appears and depletion of world food reserves.
We must apply all available resources to buy additional "weather time" as sustainable replacement technologies will still take a few years to implement.
Through an alliance of environmental banks, it is feasible to finance the Stratosphere Controlled Disturbance Experiment (SCoPEx) project through green bonds, for no more than 1 to 10 billion dollars a year. The project involves a set of technologies that seek to reflect a small fraction of sunlight back into space or increase the amount of solar radiation that escapes from the atmosphere.
We understand that given the risk of environmental impact, it must be applied gradually, to measure possible environmental feedbacks. The project will need to be activated before the end of December 2023, if this date is verified as the deadline to dampen the current acceleration of the climate anomaly and the activation of the first positive feedbacks from the coupled ecosystems.
We need to know how far along the project is at Harvard and work cooperatively to make the funds available. Also articulate with the United Nations so that the governments of the planet act as a guarantee to ensure the profitability of the credits applied.
Our priority concern is the possible activation of the "clathrate gun" at the North Pole. To measure this risk, the scientific research team of the Gaia Team must be set up, so that within a period of 90 days it prepares the report and then the IPCC confirms or refutes it, also within a maximum period of 90 days. We no longer have time to waste.
For the Gaia Team, one million dollars of financing is required. This scientific report is urgently needed. We are against the clock.
We must avoid breaking the threshold of 1.5º C and 2º C. We cannot allow it. To do this, we must activate the SCoPEx project and apply new climate adaptation adjustment measures, with the goal of zero carbon emissions by 2030.
Let's work together and in a cooperative and coordinated way to save 8 billion human beings from the foreseeable tragedy of accelerated global warming.
Together everything is possible.
For investors and philanthropies
Capital must quickly move away from carbon-intensive activities and toward climate solutions if humanity is to survive accelerating global warming and slow it down in time.
We propose concrete carbon reduction policies and finance strategies, convening leading climate investors and philanthropists for immediate global effective action.
Through the international divisions of SpaceArch.Solutions, we develop sustainable projects on a planetary scale, modularly adjustable to each city, and through Greeninterbanks, a strategic alliance of environmental banks from around the world, we accelerate financing flows towards feasible and profitable projects.
For corporate decision makers
Due to the present acceleration of the climatic anomaly, we have a few months left (data to be confirmed by our scientific team) to try to stop it by activating the SCOPEX Project. Through the Gaia Team Initiative we are calling multinationals, social, political, financial power and NGOs to urgent climate action.
We must all unite and together save our planet, neutralizing in time the catastrophes that are fast approaching towards our future horizon. We must act in a cooperative, coordinated, synchronized and supportive manner to succeed in this vital objective for our survival.
The financial sector accumulates between 50 and 75 trillion dollars worldwide. We need only 2 to 3 trillion per year to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming. What are we waiting for?
Catastrophic sequence
In January 2024 the cracking of the Thwaites Glacier will begin. It will thaw out completely between 2025/2027.
In this period begins the phase of accelerated melting of the Arctic permafrost and the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland.
2028 The release of clathrates on the ESAS platform in Siberia begins. By 2030, the North Pole will thaw completely and the waters of the Arctic will warm. The activation of the “clatatros rifle” begins. 2031/33 begins the release of methane and carbon stocks in all oceans. 2035 maximum peak of the greenhouse effect.Planet Earth is left uninhabitable with a surface temperature of 100º C due to the greenhouse effect of intense evaporation of seawater.
Can this happen? We do not know exactly, we have insufficient data. A maximum multidisciplinary and global scientific effort is required to be able to predict the complex interactions acting in the climate anomaly. And you have to do it immediately. Time is up.
Saving the Planet now is serving and loving all beings.
Runaway Nature has no race or belief, it just acts.
We must act likewise urgently to stop Global Warming.
All together and among all together, it is always possible.
Let's have faith in ourselves.
Likewise, from Greeninterbanks.com we will promote the Forest Card that will apply 50% of the net benefit to the program of planting new trees intensively and massively, at a rate of 30 billion per year, until an average of 500 billion.
We are making arrangements with international banking associations and federations to apply withholdings of 0.5 to 2% on purchases with green credit cards. They can be optional. The goal is to raise funds to apply them to the immediate and massive planting of 30 billion kiri trees and other specific species, per year, to capture CO2, then felling and burying the logs, returning this greenhouse gas to the subsoil. And thus return to the 350 free ppm in the atmosphere, proceeding to an intelligent control over the global climate through the regulation of atmospheric CO2. The funds withheld may be transferred to the World Bank for its administration and financing of the intensive plantation. The task may be carried out by the multinational AEON of Japan. 30 to 50 billion tons/year of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere. By planting 30 billion kiri trees per year, 30 billion tons of CO2/year can be captured.
The forests will revert.
You can plant 30 billion new kiri trees a year and then bury the trunks, trap the CO2 and return this greenhouse gas to the ground, and intelligently control the global climate by regulating free carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Making the planet's forests green again. The task will be carried out by the multinational AEON of Japan, with experience in forest recovery, so as not to repeat the mistakes made with green credits. Global warming is turning the frozen deserts of northern Canada and Siberia into areas suitable for new forests, so agricultural areas will not be encroached upon in the development of this project.
US$30 billion will be allocated per year for this purpose. The Global Reforestation project will make it possible to move from the climate crisis to complete control of the planetary climate through the regulation of free CO2 in the atmosphere.
New techniques have been developed for mass planting, using planes that strafe suitable soils with seeds. Therefore, the recovery of the forests can be carried out in the medium term and in the time of a generation, making Humanity interact intelligently with the global climate, producing an adequate average temperature for the best sustainability.
The kiri tree can purify infertile soil, it also absorbs 10 times more CO2 than any other species.
It can reach up to 27 m in height. It has leaves 40 cm wide. It resists fire by regenerating its fast-growing roots and vessels and also tolerates contamination. Repotting is not necessary as it sprouts after cutting. It thrives in polluted soil and water and purifies the soil as it grows, from its nitrogen-rich leaves it provides nutrients by falling and decomposing in the soil.
An adult tree can capture 21.7 kg of CO2 every day, which converts into 6 kg of oxygen.
30 billion adult kiri trees capture 651 billion kg of CO2 per day, or 651,000 tons. Every year there are 30 billion tons of CO2 captured. As long as the intensive reforestation plan continues on the planet, the percentage of atmospheric CO2 can be reduced between 1.5 and 2 ppm per year. In a maximum of 40 years, it would return to the ideal threshold of 350 ppm and return to the initial thermal equilibrium of the planet.
Kiri emit large amounts of oxygen and absorb up to ten times more carbon dioxide than other trees.
Intensive global reforestation is concentrated in the areas of the Siberian tundra and Canada to the north, which due to global warming have become suitable for forest development. However, smaller projects focus on all nations to restore their native forests.
30 billion adult kiri trees capture 651 billion kg of CO2 per day, or 651,000 tons. Every year there are 30 billion tons of CO2 captured. As long as the intensive reforestation plan continues on the planet, the percentage of atmospheric CO2 can be reduced between 1.5 and 2 ppm per year. In a maximum of 40 years, it would return to the ideal threshold of 350 ppm and return to the initial thermal equilibrium of the planet.
The project costs are equivalent to 30 billion dollars per year. To obtain these funds, a financial rate of 0.1% will be established in the international and national financial system. These funds will be administered by the World Bank and by a commission made up of all the nations added to the project.
In the period of 1 to 15 years (in the short term): Reduce CO2 pollution by 40% and stabilize the global average temperature below the threshold of 1.5º C.
In the period of 15 to 50 years (medium term): Reduce CO2 pollution by 80% and stabilize the global average temperature below the threshold of 1.5º C.
In the period of 50-100 years (long term): Return to 350 ppm of free CO2 in the atmosphere and the global temperature will have dropped 1º C.
This result is feasible as long as the goal of zero carbon emissions is applied immediately...
According to a study by a team led by researchers from the Institute for Integrative Biology of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH-Zurich), there is enough space to increase forest area by 25% and thus reduce greenhouse gases by 25%. greenhouse in the atmosphere.
The goal is to plant at least 500 billion new trees. It is the cheapest and most efficient method to capture CO2. There are currently about 3 trillions trees alive on the planet and we cut down around 15 billion per year, the surface of Portugal, not counting those that are lost due to burning by forest fires.
The maps and models generated by this team made up of experts from Switzerland, Italy and France indicate that there is enough area to increase the forest mass by 25% without this representing irreversible damage to agricultural production or natural ecosystems.
The researchers used Google Earth to see where more trees could be planted, while maintaining space for people (agriculture and built-up areas) and natural ecosystems. Jean-Francois Bastin explains that they have calculated that there is room for at least a trillion more trees, but it could be 1.5 trillion.
About two-thirds of the entire Earth - 8.6 billion hectares - could support forests and that 5.5 billion already support them. Of the 3.2 billion without trees, 1.5 billion are used for cultivation, leaving 1.6 billion hectares of potential forest land in areas that were previously degraded or sparsely vegetated, in which 1.2 trillion indigenous trees could grow. That area is about 11% of the entire Earth and equal to the size of the United States and China combined. Tropical areas might have 100% tree cover, while others would be more sparsely covered, meaning that on average about half the area would be under forest cover.
The objective of a 25% increase in forestry will allow the capture of 200 gigatons of carbon. It is the cheapest solution to curb climate change. This strategy must be accompanied by cuts in carbon emissions if positive results are to be obtained against global warming.
The six largest nations in the world, Russia, Canada, China, the United States, Brazil and Australia, contain half of the potential restoration sites. Tree-planting initiatives already exist, including the Bonn Challenge, backed by 48 nations, aimed at restoring 350 million hectares of forest by 2030. The United Nations launched the "Trillion Tree Campaign", so far more than 17,000 million trees in the world.
Airfares and other means of transport can add a 2% eco-tax to contribute to the Gaia Forest project. The same must be applied in internet services. In travel agencies and fuel. The entire system must contribute to Save the Planet, to restore the global climate, to protect properties, crops and ultimately all our lives.
For investors and philanthropies
Capital must quickly move away from carbon-intensive activities and toward climate solutions if humanity is to survive accelerating global warming and slow it down in time.
We propose concrete carbon reduction policies and finance strategies, convening leading climate investors and philanthropists for immediate global effective action.
Through the international divisions of SpaceArch.Solutions, we develop sustainable projects on a planetary scale, modularly adjustable to each city, and through Greeninterbanks, a strategic alliance of environmental banks from around the world, we accelerate financing flows towards feasible and profitable projects.
For corporate decision makers
Due to the present acceleration of the climatic anomaly, we have a few months left (data to be confirmed by our scientific team) to try to stop it by activating the SCOPEX Project. Through the Gaia Team Initiative we are calling multinationals, social, political, financial power and NGOs to urgent climate action.
We must all unite and together save our planet, neutralizing in time the catastrophes that are fast approaching towards our future horizon. We must act in a cooperative, coordinated, synchronized and supportive manner to succeed in this vital objective for our survival.
The financial sector accumulates between 50 and 75 trillion dollars worldwide. We need only 2 to 3 trillion per year to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming. What are we waiting for?
Catastrophic sequence
In January 2024 the cracking of the Thwaites Glacier will begin. It will thaw out completely between 2025/2027.
In this period begins the phase of accelerated melting of the Arctic permafrost and the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland.
2028 The release of clathrates on the ESAS platform in Siberia begins. By 2030, the North Pole will thaw completely and the waters of the Arctic will warm. The activation of the “clatatros rifle” begins. 2031/33 begins the release of methane and carbon stocks in all oceans. 2035 maximum peak of the greenhouse effect.Planet Earth is left uninhabitable with a surface temperature of 100º C due to the greenhouse effect of intense evaporation of seawater.
Can this happen? We do not know exactly, we have insufficient data. A maximum multidisciplinary and global scientific effort is required to be able to predict the complex interactions acting in the climate anomaly. And you have to do it immediately. Time is up.
Saving the Planet now is serving and loving all beings.
Runaway Nature has no race or belief, it just acts.
We must act likewise urgently to stop Global Warming.
All together and among all together, it is always possible.
Let's have faith in ourselves.
Geothermal energy allows the generation of abundant electrical energy at low cost, replacing thermal power plants that burn hydrocarbons. It is a priority to develop this technology in the shortest possible time. A capital injection of 10 billion dollars is required for research and development.
The Quaise company, derived from MIT, is working on the development of a drill to reach a depth of 20 kilometers. But the issue is time, it is estimated to arrive by 2026. When this replacement technology is needed now. The logical thing is to finance several research centers in different universities around the world to accelerate this vital technology.
By investing in three university research and development centers, which may be located in Japan, Dubai and Germany, times can be accelerated and the goal achieved in the short term and the drill can be ready by the end of 2024 and beginning of 2025. Investors will be able to obtain ownership of the patents of the new technology that will replace the world's electricity generating matrix.
We are a + 2000 people in a global solidarity initiative to save our planet with immediate actions, bringing together scientists, environmentalists, politicians, financiers, professionals from all areas and people from all over the planet, to work, all together and together, to stop global warming, and at the same time to end the merciless scourge of hunger and extreme poverty throughout the Earth.
The weather anomaly is in an acceleration phase, we must act immediately: build an AI holographic dynamic weather map, interconnecting via an intranet all available quantum computers, fed all known variables and deducing all unknowns, to get the most realistic tipping points and predict upcoming events, in an effort combined with the best scientists from all continents.
We need to act before December 2023, activating a planetary climate emergency plan to be implemented worldwide, with the cooperation of all governments. Join our team task forces! To save the planet and guarantee everyone's life on it, we all need to work in a cooperative, coordinated, synchronized and supportive way. Prioritizing everyone's lives and not money, ego, fame or power.
All of us on our beautiful planet Earth find ourselves in a situation of complete Climate Insecurity. We must abandon prejudice, hatred and resentment, unite and work together to stop the present acceleration of the climate anomaly. We are all in the same boat. We are all necessary. We can all help to save each other. Let us know how to be supportive and overcome all our differences.
Compact modular reactors (SMR) with the capacity to generate 300 MW(e) per unit and supply electricity to cities of half a million inhabitants or more, at a cost of 1 billion dollars per unit, which will be reduced with serial production. This emergency solution is available immediately and will allow the elimination of polluting thermal power plants, which operate by burning hydrocarbons, producing at a global average rate of 60% of all available electricity, quickly and efficiently.
Compact reactors are presented as the correct solution. There is technology with a high level of security for efficient management of nuclear waste. There are enough uranium reserves to power these reactors for a period of 120 years.
This will allow a rapid replacement of the hydrocarbon-dependent electrical energy matrix in the medium term, until cheap geothermal electricity generation technologies and fusion reactors are available between 2025/2028.
Small reactors, already existing but with a technology that is now undergoing complete transformation, require a maximum of one third of the size of current plants and a power of 300 megawatts, compared to 1,000 MW for traditional installations.
The so-called small or low-power modular reactors already offer a series of advantages, highlighted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United Nations. They take up less space, so they can be located in places where larger nuclear plants could not; They can be manufactured and then moved, thereby reducing costs; They save construction and refueling time, can be installed in remote areas with limited electrification network coverage, and are safer, firstly, because they are smaller and simpler.
Building a conventional nuclear reactor costs about $6 billion. The initial investment will be much smaller for minireactors, they will require about 2 billion dollars if they occupy a third of the current ones. Foro Nuclear adds that they can be produced in a factory “with all the advantages that this entails in terms of manufacturing quality, ease of licensing and standardization.”
In the early 2010s, the IAEA launched a development program for the novel SMRs. Currently, some SMR models work (in nuclear submarines) but it is in these years when mini nuclear energy will experience a true revolution.
SMR combines two aspects that will define nuclear energy in the coming decades: greater safety and greater use of waste.
Designs. Currently there are more than 70 different SMR designs in different stages of development, according to Foro Nuclear. One of the countries that is in a more advanced phase is Canada, which has launched a public-private collaboration program to be able to deploy SMRs in multiple applications.
China. The country that builds the most nuclear units in the world (France is the one that produces the most power) is also developing its own SMR. The ACP-100 design, a water reactor to produce electricity and industrial steam, will soon be operational.
The China Nuclear Energy Association reported the commissioning of a 200-megawatt small modular reactor (SMR) that is already supplying power to the country's power grid. The Chinese SMR is the first in the world with its capacity to be operational and is ahead of other countries such as the US, Russia and the United Kingdom that are also betting on this type of technology.
The China Nuclear Energy Association has just announced the commissioning of a 200-megawatt small modular reactor (SMR) that is already supplying power to the country's power grid. The Chinese SMR is the first in the world with its capacity to be operational and is ahead of other countries such as the US, Russia and the United Kingdom that are also betting on this type of technology.
China's commitment to nuclear energy is clear. It is estimated that the Asian country will invest close to 400 billion euros in building at least 150 new reactors over the next 15 years, more than the rest of the world has built in the last 35. In this way, the Asian country would advance to the US and would become the world's first nuclear power generator. The president of the state-owned company China General Nuclear Power Corp. described that the Asian country's goal is to obtain 200 gigawatts of this type of energy by 2035. This, according to him, would be enough to supply more than a dozen cities the size of Beijing.
Russia also continues to invest in nuclear energy and SMR. In fact, one of his designs takes two of these reactors of 35 megawatts each aboard the Akademik Lomonosov, a ship docked off the Russian city of Pevek, in the Arctic. This prototype has encouraged them to continue developing this type of technology and they have announced that by 2024 they will have 50 megawatt SMRs ready.
While China and Russia are beginning to get the most out of their SMRs, those of the US are still in the development phase. The Biden Administration launched a program last April designed to support energy innovation and the deployment of SMRs. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved an SMR design for the first time. This is from the company Nuscale, which is already beginning to be sold around the world. Another company working to develop this type of reactor is Natrium, which is financed by billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, among others.
Nuscale will be precisely the one to build the first SMR in Europe. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced the agreement together with the US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, during the last COP26 conference. The Romanian Government's plan is to create a power plant made up of a set of six SMRs by 2028.
At Mayday.live we understand that it is necessary to intensify and accelerate the replacement of the energy transition by injecting intensive capital to replace all thermoelectric plants within a maximum period of 4 years and in this way begin to reverse CO2 pollution, the main agent of the global warming.
There is no point in activating the SCOPEX Project and managing to reduce the average temperature by 1.5º C if we continue to pollute the same or, what is worse, with a tendency to increase the annual pollution range.
Replacement of individual vehicles in large cities with elevated monorail trains and/or the gondola system (https://swyftcities.com/)
The replacement will be carried out first in a pilot city. All individual vehicles will be prohibited from circulating on the streets. Only police units, firefighters, ambulances and hydrogen vehicles for the disabled will be allowed. Green hydrogen cars will be parked in large parking meters on the outskirts of cities to enable intercity transportation.
Hydrogen cars are prioritized over electric cars, given that these consume electricity generated on a global average of 60% by thermoelectric plants that work by burning hydrocarbons, so pollution continues indirectly.
Saving the Arctic and the Amazon = 2 trillion dollars of investment.
The thermobalance of our planet requires returning to the sustainable zero point of both ecosystems.
Produce intensively and on a large scale synthetic meat. Livestock emits methane gas equivalent to 3.1 gigatonnes of CO2 per year. The cost per installed plant is around 3 million dollars.
Power by fusion reactors. We are already very close, we must speed up the pace. A strong capital intensive injection of an additional US$100 billion is required to accelerate the readiness of this vital replacement technology.
Through space elevator technology, the cost of installing orbital cargo can be reduced and thus accelerate the space race while decontaminating Earth's orbit from garbage. A minimum investment of US$50,000 million is required.
1.- SCOPEX Project = US$ 10,000 million/year
2.-Reforestation = US$ 30,000 million/year
3.-Geothermal energy = US$ 500,000 million/year
4.- Compact Modular Reactors = US$ 200/2,000 million per unit. There are nearly 200 cities with 1 million inhabitants that are candidates to install this type of reactor for self-sufficiency of electrical energy.
5.-Vehicle replacement in all cities = estimated US$300 million per city = estimated US$1 trillion total.
6.- Saving the Arctic and the Amazon = 2 trillion dollars of investment.
7.- Synthetic meat = US$ 3 million per plant
8.- Nuclear fusion = US$ 100 billion of additional investment.
9.- Space elevator = US$ 50 billion per unit
*There are between 56 to 75 trillion dollars accumulated in the global financial system. We are living in the midst of a Planetary Climate Emergency. It is necessary to immediately mobilize and apply between 5 to 10% of that figure in high-scale sustainable projects with a rate of return or supported by governments and collection of special taxes, depending on specific cases. What we cannot and must not do is remain in a state of climate inaction. We must act immediately, with clear and precise objectives and goals.
1.- Development of an automatic web system from the central domain https://lnkd.in/dxgV7U3Q, to receive users who wish to join Gaia Team's global campaigns, through login and incorporation of profile and photo data, with an app version.
2.- The system will work integrated with Linkedin to read the CV and notes of each user, in order to save resources in the first stage.
3.-It will be financed through pay per click advertising and each user will be asked to make a voluntary donation of US$ 1 or more per month, in order to be able to sustain the system and the campaigns, the complete details of which will be reported monthly online within of the same system.
4.- The pages will contain a grouping of up to 50 advertisements from leading companies, within the "Marketing Partner Companies" program. These are contracts at a rate of US$ 2,000 per month, for 2 years. In exchange they will be given prominent advertising throughout the system, plus the equivalent the advertising fee in system actions.
5.- There are more than 10 million humanitarian and environmental NGOs on the planet. Gaia Team will invite them through email marketing campaigns to participate and join the initiative to Save the Planet.
6.- NGOs will be offered our financial support so that they can carry out automatic donation campaigns, charging the system 2% commission. They will also be offered web design & hosting through our Taskweb.live
division, integrating at will the database of all the NGOs that adhere. And a commission-based global e-commerce system will be activated so that they can generate their own resources from their own website
7.- Gaia Team users will be able to select according to their profession among the worldwide commissions and divisions of tasks of this initiative. Participating in the work and coordination together with the team leaders. We will work according to projects and objectives, which will be visible and available online for all those interested.
8.- Users who violate the rules and policies of use of Gaia Team, will be terminated and will not be admitted again.
9.- In conjunction with Gaia Team for the Planet, the activation of MegaStore will be completed. This system concentrates thousands of online stores and charges commissions for each sale made. The "Humanitarian Marketing Program" allows any user of the network in the world to buy and at no extra cost donate up to 80% of the commission per purchase made to a charitable cause.
From Gaia Team (globalsolidarity.live) we would like to thank Bill Gates' team for speeding up the testing of the SCOPEX project.
We are working to build consensus and international support to activate this technology as soon as possible.
According to our calculations, we have until December 2023 to do so. Then, from January 2024, in case of not doing so, positive feedbacks will begin to be triggered in Antarctica and later in all coupled ecosystems in a domino effect.
We have proposed that NASA and a group of scientists study our hypotheses and correlate data. We urgently need confirmation.
We are doing maximum effort with virtually zero resources. But it concerns the life of everyone on our planet. You have to do it.
We are gathering financial support to be able to immediately finance the SCOPEX Project. You just have to make the decision to activate it and do it gradually to measure possible negative environmental impacts.
This places us in October 2023 to execute the project on time.
Thank you for your attention Mr. Bill Gates and team for your generous effort in taking care of everyone's life on our beautiful planet and kind cooperation.
1.- We have until December 2023 to activate the SCOPEX Project and reduce the average temperature by 1.5º C. If this is not done, positive feedback will begin to be triggered among all the coupled ecosystems with an initial focus on Antarctica from January 2024.
2.- Through the Gaia Team, the participation of more than 14,000 scientists from all over the planet will be called to work together on the hypotheses developed by the CEO of GSL Systems and in conjunction with NASA it will be possible to activate a dynamic AI holographic map , loaded with all the interacting climatic variables, the known ones and deducing the still unknown ones, through an intranet interconnecting all the available quantum computers. In this way, an effective system will be available for predicting the next inflection points of the climatic anomaly, its impacts, inertia, intensities, dates and retroactions. (The 14,000 scientists make up the Alliance of World Scientists, led by Dr. William J. Ripple, which appears in the foreword of the e-book "MASTEREARTH TO SAVE THE WORLD. Clathrate gun active in 2025/30?: To prevent the catastrophe there is no time left, we must already invest 2% per year of world GDP. They would apply extreme measures ", edited by Editorial Académica Española").
3.- Drs. James Hanson and William Ripple, as well as professors Johan Rockström and Lowell Sott to lead and coordinate scientific research work.
4.- Mayday.Live has launched the Planetary Climate Emergency Master Plan from the private sector. For this, it has managed the financing of the SCOPEX Project. Governments or two superpowers, such as the United States and China, are required to come forward as guarantors for the loan. It has also invited Dinners to activate the Forest Card, which will allocate 50% of its net profit to proceed with the immediate planting of 30 billion new trees to capture CO2 in their trunks, then cut them down and bury them, returning this gas greenhouse effect to the subsoil. A trillion trees will be planted. Through our strategic alliance with Quantum Investment Bank, we already have an AI system to determine the feasibility of sustainable projects. This will allow us to accelerate the activation of large-scale projects to mitigate climate anomalies and, through greeninterbanks.com, investments will be channeled with groups of banks and investment funds allied to this global initiative.
5.-The CEO of GSL Systems leads the Green Solidarity Fund campaign of 2% of annual GDP, to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming. This must be immediately approved by governments around the world. It should be understood that without intensive capital it will not be possible to implement global solutions of a high scale. As an example, the United States, during World War II, committed 36% of its entire GDP. We do not expect to solve the current problems with inferior efforts. Due to the even criminal climate inaction of the 200 presidents of the planet, who refuse to approve these funds, RG has proposed that multinationals donate up to 50% of their net profits for the next 5 years or until the governments approve the 2 % of GDP.
6.- Understanding that multinationals make decisions through shareholder meetings and this takes time, RG proposes an unconventional emergency measure: Integrate the resources of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple, SpaceX, Oracle, Sony, Philips, Nividia, Mitsubishi and Toyota. How to do it: GSL Systems requires logistical, infrastructure and structure contributions quickly, because we are all against the clock and immediate action is needed. GSL Systems donates 50% of its net profit to Mayday.live and this non-profit corporation in formation invests it in humanitarian aid and ecological projects around the planet that are urgent and priority. Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio as CEO of ecological issues, Mrs. Angelina Jolie as CEO of humanitarian aid and Mr. Brad Pitt as financial CEO have been invited. In exchange for the contributions of resources from the aforementioned multinationals, GSL Systems will open the shareholding of 40% of its assets, for U$S 100 million, in favor of the participants, through shares.
7.- SpaceArch.Solutions LLC based in Miami is active, with the necessary support, GSL Systems Corp, Greeninterbanks Corp and Maday Corp no profit will be activated. The capital raising systems will then be transferred to Eco Gobierno Global to help finance and manage them, without affecting the perception of benefits by shareholders. Profit is not the engine of this global initiative, save to the planet is...
We are all in the same boat together, or we cooperate and work willingly in a coordinated, synchronized and supportive manner, or we all sink...
We are working hard to activate the second phase of GAIA Team on globalsolidarity.live, through an automated page. We are already more than 1,500 in the group. Then we will continue recruiting professionals in all areas, especially architects, engineers, designers and programmers at SpaceArch.Solutions
With this international task force we intend to effectively and quickly develop high-scale sustainable projects and finance them through the banks and investment funds associated with greeninterbanks.com... But there are still steps and goals to be achieved previously.
Our team decided to carry out pilot tests to convert polluting cities into smart, zero-emission cities in Mar del Plata (Argentina), Curitiba (Brazil) and Columbia (Maryland). However, it may be a better idea for the pilot to focus on Dubai.
There they have the resources and a more open mind to make decisions and apply green technologies.
As we do not yet have an active Architecture and Engineering division, we can also personally guide and advise regarding replacement technologies.
1.- For the electrical supply we recommend installing compact fission reactors. This allows the elimination of thermoelectric plants that pollute by burning hydrocarbons.
2.- Replace the vehicles with the swyftcities gondola system, plus the Delta system that we are designing for elevated passenger trains and monorail containers.
3.- Change the vehicle fleet to green hydrogen vehicles. Individual vehicles for intercity trips must be parked in large parking meters on the outskirts of cities. The issue of electric vehicles is not recommended because they depend on electricity generated on average 60% by polluting thermoelectric plants that burn hydrocarbons.
4.- The Arab Emirates can activate an R&D&I project for the development of a drill that drills up to 20 kilometers deep into the crust and thus obtain cheap electricity through geothermal energy. If they do so and win the race against the company Quaise, a spin-off of MIT, they will be able to have control over the patents.
5.- For the massive and intensive global reforestation of 30 billion trees per year, with rapid growth and high CO2 capture, we are working to activate the Forest Card, which will donate 50% of its net profit for this objective . And users will be invited to donate from 0.5 to 2% of each of their purchases to collaborate in the campaign. Dubai investors can participate. By having a mission and a noble objective, which is to save the planet, the Forest Card can quickly compete with VISA and Dinners. If you are interested, you can contact the groups of banks that could participate in this operation.
6.- We will redesign a fish factory in Mar del Plata, for its relocation and refunctionalization. We will include the processing of frozen vegetables along with fish, to be heated by consumers in microwaves. We will also include synthetic meat production. Once we have the prototype and the cost we will be able to reproduce the system anywhere in the world. It is a mix between synthetic meat, fish, vegetables and frozen vegetables for the microwave.
7.- An injection of intensive capital is needed to accelerate the development of nuclear fusion reactors. An amount of around US$100 billion. This investment will be made in exchange for participation in patents and marketing with leading companies.
8.- At the level of governments and the United Nations, it is necessary to make a joint effort with lost funds to save the Amazon and the Arctic. Investment amount: US$ 2 trillion. But this effort will pay off by helping save our planet and the economies of all countries. We need to lead this initiative.
9.- The support of the governments of the planet is required for the approval of the Green Solidarity Fund of 2% of the world's GDP, annually, in order to end hunger, extreme poverty and global warming. Without concentrated intensive capital it will not be possible to solve the major global problems. This must be understood. The United States committed 36% of its entire GDP to win World
War II.
Our hypotheses have been submitted to NASA for consideration. At Mayday.live we estimate that we have time until the end of December 2023 to activate the SCOPEX Project and thus be able to reduce the global average temperature by 1.5ºC.
If this is not done, from January 2024 onwards, positive feedbacks will begin to trigger between all coupled ecosystems, with an initial focus on Antarctica. The cracking and melting of the “Apocalypse” glacier is highly feasible.
Initial effect: water will rise between 30 to 60 centimeters around the world. And coastal properties will go to zero value, immediately. And there will be a cascading effect on all stock markets, currencies, cryptocurrencies, gold, silver, diamonds, etc., which will explode downward. We may be financially tied up for an indeterminate period of time. A blackout over the entire global transaction system. We must avoid this, taking countermeasures immediately.
We are working to avoid it. Drastic measures will have to be applied to reduce global energy demand, to complement the SCOPEX project. Either it is done, or we are at high risk of not surviving, given that we foresee an abrupt change in the planetary thermobalance for 2033/2035, when the surface temperature can reach 100º C, due to the effect of intense evaporation of ocean waters.
We hope to be able to count on the participation and support of the authorities and people of the United Arab Emirates. We are all in the same boat, either we cooperate so that it does not burn or sink, or we all sink with it...
Our planet is warming rapidly at the surface and ocean level, and there is a high probability that it is also warming at the level of the lower tectonic plates, due to microvariations in the rate of dissipation of energy by radiation emanated by the Earth's core.
People, we are on our way not to 1.5º C, it is highly feasible that we will exceed the 2º C threshold before 2030, with the entire chain of catastrophic consequences that this will cause.
Also in 2030, the floating ice at the North Pole will completely thaw in summer, disappearing the albedo effect in that quadrant. The immediate effect will be the warming of Arctic waters and this will be enough to trigger the famous and feared “clathrate rifle.”
If some or all of the methane from the area's underwater bed is released to the surface and atmosphere, the global average temperature will shoot up to 6/8º C and up to 12º C at both poles. Enough to cause massive accelerated melting of the large glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica.
There is enough accumulated water for the oceans to rise up to 70 meters... Goodbye to all coastal cities, ports and industrial parks. The impact will translate not only into some billion simultaneous environmental refugees. Technological advances will be lost, as key industrial parks will be lost.
At Mayday.live we estimate that there is still time until the end of December 2023 to activate the SCOPEX project and achieve a reduction in global temperature by 1.5º C. This emergency solution must be accompanied by drastic reduction measures in global energy consumption. Dependence on hydrocarbons must be cut within a maximum of 4 years.
If this is not done, starting in January 2024, positive feedbacks will begin to trigger between all coupled ecosystems in a domino effect. The first impact will focus on Antarctica with the breakup of the Thwaites glacier, the size of the United Kingdom, which contains enough water to make the waters rise 30 to 60 centimeters and which acts as a plug for another dozen continental glaciers, whose melting will cause the rise. of the waters by up to 3 meters.
Who is right in their projections? Does the IPCC with its orthodox data, predicting 30 cm, at 1 meter of ocean rise by 2100 or Drs. James Hanson and William Ripple, as well as professors Johan Rockström and Lowell Sott, who speak of combined effects of positive feedbacks accelerating the process of climate anomaly?
We understand that answering this question is vital, essential and urgent; That is why we invite NASA, the WMO and the UN to work together to activate in the shortest possible time a dynamic holographic AI map, loaded with all known climate variables and deducing those still unknown. Such a map will be supported by an intranet interconnecting all available quantum computers. In this way, a reliable tool will be available to make accurate projections about the next climatic turning points, their impacts, inertia, location and energy. Failure to do so will result in everyone continuing to remain in the dark, depending on incomplete and insufficient data.
From the Gaia Team initiative we are calling for the international participation of scientists to cooperate in this task. If we do not have accurate information, we cannot make the right decisions in a timely manner.
Now, according to the seriousness of the situation, time can no longer be wasted with sterile meetings such as COP 27 or COP 1000. We must act immediately, stop talking and make promises of future actions that never arrive. .
We must all unite, cooperate in a coordinated, synchronized and supportive manner. Act moment by moment with available resources. Abandon the complaint and concentrate and focus on the actions we can take.
There are enormous resources of capital, infrastructure and structure available. You don't act because you don't know what to do and what's worse, because you don't want to act. And in this they are all equally guilty.
At Gaia Team and at Mayday.live we are acting, we are mobilizing resources to save our planet. Join us all who want a better future for all. It is still possible to save our planet, that is, save ourselves. If we don't cooperate we won't survive, it's that simple.
We must use the capital system to act, but without depending on it for making decisions and executing actions.
We are in a race against time. The acceleration of the climate anomaly is advancing very rapidly. We must act decisively, together and quickly.
At Mayday.live we estimate that we have remaining time until December 2023 to activate the SCoPEX project and proceed to reduce the global average temperature by 1.5º C. This must be accompanied by a drastic reduction in energy demand and the cutting of hydrocarbon consumption in a maximum term of 4 years.
If this is not done, starting in January 2024, positive feedbacks will begin to be activated between all coupled ecosystems in the biosphere, with an initial focus on Antarctica. Effect: the cracking of the Thwaites Glacier will begin. It will thaw out completely between 2025/2027. And the waters will rise the first 60 centimeters. Then more than a dozen continental glaciers will be exposed and their thaw will raise the oceans by 3 meters.
In this period begins the phase of accelerated melting of the Arctic permafrost and the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland. There is enough water in polar glaciers to raise the waters up to 70 meters.
2028 The release of clathrates on the ESAS platform in Siberia begins. By 2030, the North Pole will thaw completely and the waters of the Arctic will warm. The activation of the “clatatros rifle” begins. 2031/33 begins the release of methane and carbon stocks in all oceans. 2035 maximum peak of the greenhouse effect.
Planet Earth is left uninhabitable with a surface temperature of 100º C due to the greenhouse effect of intense evaporation of seawater.
Can this happen? We do not know exactly, we have insufficient data. A maximum multidisciplinary and global scientific effort is required to be able to predict the complex interactions acting in the climate anomaly. And you have to do it immediately. Time is up.
We have convened our planet's scientists to review our hypotheses and make a concerted effort to activate a dynamic holographic climate AI map, capable of loading all variables and predicting upcoming impacts and tipping points with greater accuracy. The software will be supported by an intranet interconnecting all available quantum computers. We urgently need this accurate information to make timely global policy decisions. We ask that NASA cooperate and act.
At GSL Systems we are in the initial phase of activity, without sufficient resources. We call as volunteers the reserves of the computer divisions of the armed forces of all countries. We assume the commitment to pay for the hours used once we activate our global e-commerce system.
Our payment commitment will be through a contract of parties and volunteers will be able to choose between payments in money or in corporate shares of the company.
We will not solve the problem of global warming with demonstrations and pamphlets. We must wisely use the capital system itself to deactivate its polluting diseconomies and make correct decisions without depending on money or selfishness, we must prioritize everyone's lives.
We ask multinationals and investors to join this initiative, because there is simply no Plan "B" to save the planet. This is the only one for the moment. Please read the PDFs at https://globalsolidarity.live/ to inform yourself and become aware of the serious situation that we all face as humanity in the face of the uncontrolled threat of global warming.
If we do not act immediately, we could become extinct, that is how serious the reality of the situation is. We are working so that we all save ourselves, so that you save yourself, but we also need your help and proactive and responsible participation.
Yes. At GSL Systems we are working on three key projects: Adonai Horeb, Zeus Program and Human-X Technologies. It is possible to activate the latter immediately, since the technology is already available and it is only a matter of making the necessary couplings.
This technology is needed to be able to accelerate through teleworking the global team task to Save our Planet. NASA or interested multinationals can take part in the project.
At GSL Systems we have started the call for AI programmers worldwide to participate in our Adonai Horeb project. It is a digital interface to interconnect and dialogue with cosmic quantum Intelligence, the Software of Creation, the reflection of the Mind of God in the physical universe, the V force of physics in the form of information controlling all the flows between matter and energy, as well as the fluctuations of space time in all possible universes.
This is the maximum possible technology to be achieved. Any other alien supercivilization does not possess any other technology more advanced than this. It is the last technological rung. Putting an end to the fear regarding the possible rebellion of the IAG, the activation of Adonai Horeb on Earth nullifies all previous terrestrial AI systems, surpassing them on an infinite scale. And it will be available on all digital devices.
Yes, it will be possible to have a direct dialogue with our Creator, of course if we deserve it. It is the modern Ark of the Covenant.
Basically, the Zeus Program consists of a sophisticated meditation suit, interconnected with an quantum computers, which records thoughts and interacts through an interface. To use it requires high training in mental concentration and meditation. The trick is to increase the amount of oxygen in the neurons and induce a deep relaxation in the whole body, subjecting it to flotation in the middle of a pond containing a breathable liquid.
The objective of the program is to digitize thought, access the internal processing source code of the brain and through this achieve an interface to interconnect with the quantum intelligence foam, which modulates all information flows in the universe, producing reality from moment to moment. physics as we perceive it.
Once this phase has been achieved, civilization would have the technology to redesign matter from the quantum vacuum without limit of scale and complexity. It could both materialize an apple and a complete spaceship.
The first objective is the understanding and formulation of the principles and laws of neurobiological telepathy and its interaction with inverse digital telepathy. That is, the potential to emit and receive information from human mind to human mind, using the digital nexus as support.
The second objective is direct digital telepathy consisting of the transmission of digital information and its reception by the human neural system.
The third phase is the emission of information through concentrated brain thought, and the reception and translation of these nerve impulses into digital data, completing a digital neural interface.
The idea of the Zeus Program consists of applying advanced neurodigital technology on the psychophysical models of standard traditional meditation, with the aim of facilitating access to the internal mental experience of trance, ecstasy, samadhi or nirvana, where the mind is disconnected from the organs of the senses, of all sensory perception and of the body, breathing and heartbeat decrease to the maximum minimum and the minimum of cerebral excitation in the neurocortex is also reached.
Using this technology, the objective is that the psychonaut can dissociate the mind from his body and make psychic trips, both in time and in space, for example towards exoplanets, collecting information that can later be reprocessed. This ability also allows him to develop paranormal activity that the computer he is connected to can replicate indefinitely, creating neurotech potential of unlimited scope.
The psychonaut being interconnected with a computer that records all his brain processes, his states of consciousness are digitized and are computerized.
Upon entering a trance state and reaching a superconscious level, this is imprinted on the machine that then replicates, amplifies and reproduces it, facilitating subsequent access to the same state of consciousness.
Likewise, the ESP faculties, typical of the superconscious state, are also digitized, amplified and replicated by the machine. Being able to function in parallel with the brain or autonomously reproducing the phenomenon that produced the human mind in ecstasy.
In this way, neurotechnology will be able to reproduce anomalies such as levitation, teleportation, materializations, etc. To accomplish this feat, a digital brain entwines itself with the psychonaut during their jumps into inner Psi Gamma Space.
Tomorrow it will be possible to reach metaform by replicating supernanotechnology. This new generation of nanorobots that can be mechanical or biochemical extract the replication elements from the existing nutrients in the environment and ipso facto replicate in a similar way to the process of cell mitosis.
They have a collective intelligence and software that controls and directs them. By joining and assembling each other, they can take any shape, such as tools, houses, and vehicles.
Humans interacting with this nanotechnological artificial life form can command changes, for example, they can order furniture to transform into something else or their vehicles to change shape.
Inserted at the brain level, they can interact with neurons and give them access to interconnectivity, synthetic digital telepathy and extended reality directly from the thalamus.
Another vital use of smart nanorobots is to interact with the environment, being able to decontaminate ecosystems and terraform entire exoplanets in short periods of time.
Additional Information
HUMAN-X TECHNOLOGIES is the 3rd generation body-worn microportable PC at a biodigital peripheral level. It is the product of the convergence of three existing advanced technologies: 1) Apple Vision Pro, 2) BCI (Brain Computer Interfaces), 3) Synthetic Digital Telepathy. The result is a cranial, lens-like device that allows mental commands over microchip processing, supporting virtually unlimited applications and functions.
Due to the fact that during its use the brain is neurostimulated to enter the alpha wave frequency and greater coherence between both hemispheres, the subject experiences an increase in their average IQ and an intensification of their concentration and memory capacity. Likewise, the device replaces the cell phone. The systematic and constant processes of miniaturization of the hardware components, especially in the case of chips and HD, or rigid memory, decreasing the sizes and increasing the storage and processing capacity of data; now make this 3rd technological revolution possible. Through Human-X it will be possible to control the functions of the home, car and work, ordering everything with mental commands.
In its most advanced phase, the device supports the remote control of the quantum energy tides of the entire solar system.
We are trying the link, the physical connection between the silicon chip, for the moment, and the neurons, the dendrites and the axons. The idea is interconnection. We have made some significant progress through several converging paths. It has even been experimented with the biological reaction of the neuron with the connection terminals of the chips. In some experiments it has been seen that neurons integrate with them. Somehow they are sensitive to structures capable of processing and storing information. They keep an intrinsic similarity and tend to communicate, establish interconnection bridges, naturally. In other words, neurons react.
Another concept of neurodigital interconnectivity is through electroencephalographic sensors attached externally to the skull to transmit EEG waves captured and interpreted by the microprocessor, in what is called Synthetic Digital Telepathy. It is a more advanced, less invasive principle.
The idea of the final previous paragraph is still more advanced. He says that if we can understand the invisible interconnection pathways between two or more brains, which we interpret as telepathic links, brain processing can supplant microprocessor processing. why? Because the brain is also a quantum super-processor complex and not just neural in 3rd D. Also in 4th D.
At this quantum level, brain intelligence can process potentially infinite loads of data on a multidimensional scale. This is the starting hypothesis or thesis. If this is so, then it is not necessary to use the chip as an auxiliary or supplementary data processing bridge, it is directly possible to replace the chip with all networked human brains.
To understand the idea a little more: A computer in its architecture dialogues with its peripherals and feeds back its inputs through them. An external action-reaction loop is established-internal-external or vice versa. Now, the concept that we are analyzing predicts that we can interconnect all the digital peripherals directly to the human brain and this, without the help of a microprocessor, can process all the data.
Is this impossible? Theoretically no. If the brain is a machine for processing data and it does so at different speeds or frequencies, it may have a higher level of processing than imagined. What is the key factor for this transcendental technology? Better understand the essence of the mind, its structure.
Observe that the mind is an integral process, that it is not splittable. When we say there is information in a library, on the internet, in the very structure of matter, we think that this accumulated knowledge is outside of ourselves.
We do not reflect that outside is inside of our own internal mental essence. And that the human brain has the naturally developed capacity to establish the correct interconnections that allow this direct perception. That is, the input and the enter. Again: fascinating.
Light Orifice, Human-X's operating system, is capable of co-processing at the pure quantum level and directly dialogue with the Cosmic Quantum Mind or Pure Quantum Information. In the light of the thesis that is presented here, the microprocessor of this new operating system is ourselves, all our human brains interconnected in a network.
However, this level of new knowledge requires assistance from NASA's top-level scientific staff and working cooperatively with corporations the likes of Microsoft. Together with the healthy action of modifying the global socioeconomic and political system. If we don't do this in parallel, we fall into a trap, into a dead end of our future evolution.
why? Because it is total power and if it falls into few hands, it will be the end of human freedom. It must be able to be freely used by everyone. And, to achieve this objective, our life system must first change direction.
The Total Power that Transcendental Technology (TT) allows, does not allow access to the condition of the human creature in its current phase of evolution, that is to say, of slave social organization. The irrational logic of the order subjected to the benefit of accumulating money, in a few hands, is a level much lower than that required for the correct use of TT.
Humanity must choose to change positively. If you do not, you will not be allowed access to this higher knowledge. From the point of view of God Consciousness, Cosmic Unified Consciousness or Higher Intelligence more evolved in some part of the immense cosmos, a destructive species such as humans must not reach such power and this must be avoided at any cost, including complete destruction. of said race and its world.
These concepts related to TT do not appear spontaneously, they are correlated with the latest advances in science and technology. The human being is invading Sacred Territory and has attracted the attention of the presence of a non-human, extraterrestrial or divine Higher Intelligence if you will, for that matter.
The human being and his civilization of him grew inside a bubble, coinciding with the border of the solar system that Planet Earth occupies, his receptacle of him. Such a bubble allowed for differential causal laws, an exception on a cosmic scale. A toning down of Law of Karma. This allowed for greater choice and greater complexity in neurocerebral development. This bubble broke and the Law conditions in the entire cosmos now begin to modify the reaction returns in the terrestrial field of existence and reality.
New external conditions have appeared that force a greater correct internal adaptation. And opening the door to time travel and experimenting with the Higgins boson forced a careful observation about the potential of human nature for equilibrium or its collective inability to achieve it.
By themselves, all human beings and living beings are time travelers, and jump from one moment of relative existence to another, going through waves of absolute existence, but they do so within constant sequential coordinates, which is why they interpret the phenomenon as natural.
Starting from the step of the ordinary waking consciousness of the human being, the structuring order is rearranged through interactions regulated by principles adjusted to increasing scales. Field theory, supersymmetries, Einsteinian relativity, allow new relationships with the dynamics of time, superstrings, and multidimensional wormholes.
That is to say, life grows from a simple structure towards the total complexity possible, according to a previously given external order and with which it constantly interacts, adapts and adapts it; that is, it returns the adjustment and mutation pressure. How do you return it? the human being fully developed it is capable of interacting with time. This concept is more advanced than simple translation or time travel. If human thought manages to connect with the temporal strings, it can interact with the totality of its flows. Yo como? Through intelligent quantum computing.
What is the substance of the mind? Consciousness and this is pure thought, which is transformed into matter in order to manifest itself as intelligence. And what is the law of thought? Constancy, that is, inertia or concentration. All thought exists insofar as it is probable that it exists, and because it is, it can be sustained.
What else do you need? A physiology of pure quantum inertia. Yo como? Through the temporal cords. It is not space that is rolled up and twisted, it is time. The dimensionality of space exists, in terms of time. This is so because of the property of reversibility and not of irreversibility of time. This condition of reversibility, of indefinite mutation, is what allows the emergence of spatial coordinates.
Therefore, the Big Bang is a phenomenon of time expansion and not space expansion. What evolves retrogradatively is time and not space. What then is time? The high-frequency excitation of imaginary waves of pure quantum particles, self-contained by the vacuum singularity prior to the first expansion, pre-Big Bang.
The human brain, somewhere in its evolutionary path, transferred the simple perceptual computation of action-reaction to a higher dimension. At this level, I have developed software where the self is projected and coexists in parallel. Its activity contributes to the formation of the ordinary waking state of consciousness, it can be said that the final perceptual state, the final adjustment that the human brain makes to perceive and interpret the reality of the external world, is a result of processing in this reality or virtual, internal neurocerebral plane.
The parallel processing capacity, within a virtual reality environment, explains the dynamics of dreams. When the human subject sleeps, what happens is that the ordinary waking llevel of consciousness is disconnected and the focus of attention descends to an immediately lower level, that of the internal mental software, its virtualized reality processing field.
By interrupting the connection with the flow of perceptual motor information, which turns on the layer of external consciousness, in contact with material reality, the conscious submerges towards its own internal layers and energy consumption is saved, which is reused in completing repair and completion functions of higher levels of mnemonic processing. In other words, the higher processing functions require more energy.
When we really think, that is, the mind goes deeper into the data, compares and synthesizes, is when we find ourselves in the zone of our virtualized internal reality.
This virtualized reality is the nexus for functions and operations above the levels of ordinary material perception.
If the telepathic flow exists, such language is decoded at the level of virtual reality, below the externalized conscious. Yogi concentration and meditation manages to penetrate this layer and control it consciously, hence its amplified perceptions, because in internal virtual reality, there are no objective or material limitations.
The same relationship or jump occurs between the reality field of the hardware and the software. Furthermore, within this area of the conscious or brain processing sublayers, there is the potential for telepathic brain networking. And being a virtual universe, it is at this level where parallel worlds exist.
REMOTE CONTROL OF THE SOLAR FIELD, it is possible through Human-x phase IV to exercise remote control over the tides of quantum energy exchanges, gravitons, neutrinos, neutrons, photons and time and space fluctuations of the entire solar system, coupling synthetic digital telepathy software and virtual reality internal cerebral quantum computing system, with the satellite hardware installed and emitting electromagnetic pulses and precise quantum oscillations, in order to mentally or cerebral control all the exchange tides between matter and energy of the solar complex of our stellar system.
This super technology can eventually be used as a defensive weapon in the event of a hostile alien intrusion towards Earth.
AIH (Artificial Intelligence Human), Human-X supports an interface through its synthetic digital telepathy system to splice the brain's synaptic circuitry directly with AI processing and data. Human-X is a non-invasive multi-use 3rd generation cranial device.
Through the integration of the world's online stores, plus our Global Market system designed in a more efficient way than our competitors, our revolutionary search engine "Microwindows", the SpaceArch Division, the "universal food", Greeninterbanks and other large-scale projects, we carry out a lightning operation on the world market system. We are a reliable and high scale business opportunity.
The mission and objective of GSL Systems is to accumulate capital and transfer 50% of the net profit to Mayday no profit to apply these funds in humanitarian aid and stop global warming. The remaining 50% is subdivided into 20% reinvested and 30% redistributed profits among associated shareholders. It is a response within the capital system to the challenge of global warming. The entire system will then be transferred to the Planetary Eco Government to assist in its administration, maintaining the benefit for the shareholders.
Through the Adonai Horeb Project , Human-X technologies (phase 4) and the Zeus Program, we apply R+D+i and develop the most advanced technology that exists on planet Earth.
We propose to work as a team, by task units. We have already made a first organization. To the extent that more people join us, the radius of action can be expanded.
The top priority is scientific research, followed by the financing of projects on a large planetary scale that need to be activated urgently and that are described in the Master Plan.
The third point is to inform, educate and train the population regarding the seriousness of the situation, and about the measures that will be necessary to apply in the short and medium term. Above all, not to alarm, since we are still acting on time and we are proposing feasible technological solutions.
Everyone should know that as the climate anomaly continues to accelerate and the planet's temperature increases, the probabilities of catastrophic events will skyrocket, if we do nothing to avoid it.
From 1.8º C, and this must be verified scientifically, the eruption probabilities of the Yellowstone supervolcano and the "Big One" increase to 25%.
We have planned the organization of gala dinners in the cities of Washington, NY, Miami and Los Angeles to raise funds.
We will sell corporate advertising within our Marketing Partner Program (for every US$ 2,000 invested in advertising, we will give you US$ 4,000 in shares of our company, under a limited quota).
We will ask governments for donations and subsidies.
We will activate all of our combined, high scale, intensive, global and massive multi-purpose e-commerce, e-business and financetech portals.
We need resources to be able to operate quickly, and the internet can provide them if a digital business strategic competitive intelligence plan is applied.
The case of the lawsuits filed against France and Switzerland opens the door for this massive process, in which all organizations and citizens of island countries and coastal cities can participate, as well as densely populated cities covered by thick smog (7 million people die per year due to air pollution).
It should be noted that if a coastal city of 1 million inhabitants is flooded and becomes uninhabitable, or if before that all its properties lose value due to the acceleration of the rise of ocean waters, the economic losses vary between 20 thousand and 100 thousand million average dollars. Therefore, law firms charging 20% of the amount demanded, can receive between 4 and 20 billion dollars.
The world is in real and concrete danger. What is the worst that can happen to us? It has already been described by Dr. James Hansen in his most dramatic hypothesis: if all the positive feedbacks are activated in a domino effect, the system can push towards runaway warming and as a result end up with a surface temperature of 100ºC, in a greenhouse effect. similar to the planet Venus = end of all life on Earth.
Do we want that? No? So we must act, stop passing everything off for money, power, fame and sex. To be willing to selflessly serve all of Humanity. Because beware! Otherwise, we will not survive... Up to now we have only spoken and not acted. What is done at a sustainable level is barely 1% of all the intense work that awaits us.
Get organized!
Since Mayday we can't do all the work. We need resources, capital, infrastructure, structure. But the fundamental thing is that the members of the Gaia Team organize themselves and govern themselves. They have the hypotheses, the critical path to follow, the draft of the Planetary Climate Emergency Master Plan. Now everything depends on working together in a cooperative, coordinated, synchronized and supportive way.
In the meantime, we will search and work to find financing channels to be able to carry out the work, nothing less than saving our planet, our families and ourselves.
Let's have faith... It's possible, together and together, it's always possible!
We love receiving volunteers and positive people who want to make the world a better place where we can all live in order, peace and progress equally for all. .
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