Roberto Guillermo Gomes
From the private sector, actions are initiated to mitigate global warming before the start of positive feedbacks in the domino effect, accelerated by the irruption of strong El Niño from July 2023. Translate
Can the oceans rise more than 30 cms. in an accelerated manner?
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“CORK EFFECT” HYPOTHESIS (1992, revised 2023)
CV Roberto Guillermo Gomes:
MasterEarth the e-book:
EXTINCTION OF HOMO SAPIENS BY HOMO DIGITALIS: End of the human race: In 2049 we will merge with AI and our intelligence will multiply by 1 million with an average IQ of 10,000:
“MasterEarth: Alien plan to save the Planet of Maitreya Buddha”. Premiere of the first documentary version next week.
Message from the Supreme Galactic Council commanded by Christ to the inhabitants of planet Earth :
Alien Contact:
Take a look at this revealing video. Today everyone thinks that the problem of global warming will intensify in the coming decades. They are in error. The WMO predicts that in the next 5 years we will break the threshold of 1.5º to 1.8º C. From then on, positive feedbacks can be activated in a domino effect, hyperaccelerating the climate anomaly. The data is simply insufficient. That is why the scientific report of the Gaia Team is urgent and necessary to predict the probabilities of the next climatic inflection point.
Professor Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and Dr David Armstrong McKay of the University of Exeter warn that giant ice sheets, ocean currents and permafrost regions may already be past the point irreversible inflection.
Arctic ice thickness decreases
Melting ice in Antarctica is accelerating
Corrective measures of the global climate, emergency plan
Super technology alien on earth to help our species survive global warming hypoeracleration
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